Solar Energy in
South Africa

Power Your Life with Solar

Going solar in South Africa has become a necessity. It’s no longer if, it’s when. As the prices of solar systems have come down and electricity prices keep rising, the financial payback periods are becoming very attractive. But more importantly, you will have electricity during the continuous load shedding we can expect over the next decade. Oh, and it’s good for the environment.

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Explore our Solar Power Products below

Discover our full range of innovative solar products that power your future. Shop them all online now.

Solar System

Navigate to a Greener Tomorrow

Discover the new era of energy with our solar system rent-to-own solutions designed specifically for South Africans. Overcome loadshedding and embrace a brighter, eco friendly future.

Solar Power

Solar Batteries

Our Exosolar batteries use premium, first-use, A grade cells from top global LiFePO4 cell manufacturers. We offer market leading warranties of up to 12 years* and 6500 cycles on our batteries.

Solar Inverters

Inverters are the heart of your solar system – everything must go through them. Our Deye inverters offer optimum performance for the tough South African load shedding environment.

Solar Panels

South Africa is one of the best countries for solar in the world. Our 550W monocrystalline panels offer the highest efficiency and 25 year performance warranties.

Portable Power

Shop our range of portable storage solutions, perfect for running a few key appliances such as your Wi-Fi, tv, fridge or select lights.

About Exosolar

Exosolar is a dedicated residential and commercial solar supply and installation company committed to giving you the best service available. Going solar can be confusing at first, and there are hundreds of products and installers out there, making it very hard to choose who to go with. We source only the highest quality equipment from the largest suppliers of panels, batteries and inverters globally, and partner with top quality installers to give you the peace of mind that your investment in solar will be hassle free and provide years of load shedding protection.

Nelspruit commercial solar

Solar System Kit


After studying hundreds of systems, we understand what systems are likely to work best depending on your exact needs given the size of your household and electricity consumption habits. These also have the flexibility to grow with you over time if you need this. Use our simple online calculator to get a view on what system is right for you.

Solar system kits South Africa

Latest Blog


Solar systems are extraordinarily versatile, and can be sized to power almost anything these days. Unfortunately, this can also come at a cost. Luckily, by understanding how the systems work, and being thoughtful about what you connect and when you use certain appliances, you can enjoy all the benefits of solar at a fraction of the cost.

Let us take you through this in more detail

Solar panels for sale Nelspruit

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